Top 5 AI employee fears are not a surprise! reported that “A new study revealed that employees have real fears about AI's intrusion into their workplace. Companies can alleviate many of those anxieties by being more transparent around how they plan to use the technology.” The July 2, 2024 report entitled " Top 5 AI employee fears and how to combat them” ( included these AI employee FEARS:

#1 Job displacement due to AI that makes their job harder, more complicated, or less interesting

#2 Inaccurate AI that creates incorrect or unfair insights that negatively impact them

#3 Lack of transparency around where, when, and how the organization is using AI, or how it will impact them

#4 Reputational damage that occurs because the organization uses AI irresponsibly

#5 Data insecurity because the implementation of AI solutions puts personal data at risk

These 5 AI employee fears came from Gartner and EY:

Those were two top fears revealed in a recent study by Gartner about the five main concerns workers have over generative AI and AI in general. And those fears are warranted, according to survey data. For example, IDC predicts that by 2027, 40% of current job roles will be redefined or eliminated across Global 2000 organizations adopting genAI.

A remarkable 75% of employees said they are concerned AI will make certain jobs obsolete, and about two-thirds (65%) said they are anxious about AI replacing their job, according to a 2023 survey of 1,000 US workers by professional services firm Ernst & Young (EY). About half (48%) of respondents said they are more concerned about AI today than they were a year ago, and of those, 41% believe it is evolving too quickly, EY’s AI Anxiety in Business Survey report stated.

“The artificial intelligence (AI) boom across all industries has fueled anxiety in the workforce, with employees fearing ethical usage, legal risks and job displacement,” EY said in its report.

What do you think?


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