Shadow IT & SaaS remain major security threats! reported that “A recent study shows that 77% of IT professionals believe that shadow IT is becoming a major concern in 2023, with more than 65% saying their SaaS tools aren't being approved.”  The April 21, 2023 article entitled “Shadow IT, SaaS Pose Security Liability for Enterprises” ( included these comments about “Why Is Shadow IT Such a Liability?”:

 All issues surrounding shadow IT can be traced back to an organization's lack of visibility. An unmanaged software stack gives IT teams zero insight into how sensitive company information is being used and distributed. Since these tools are not vetted properly and are left unmonitored, the data they store is not adequately protected by most organizations.

This creates the perfect framework for hackers to easily seize important data, such as confidential financial records or personal details. Critical corporate data is at risk because most, if not all, SaaS tools require corporate credentials and access to an organization's internal network. A recent survey by Adaptive Shield and CSA actually shows that in the past year alone, 63% of CISOs have reported security incidents from this type of SaaS misuse.

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